japan local food 在 [Eng sub] 柏崎名物デカ盛り❗️トンチャー丼大盛り野菜マシ✨ 的影片資訊
NEWSPAPER PROJECT | The Second Day of Big Eating Trip (1/2) | Huge Ton-cha Rice Bowl Obtained My Cer...
NEWSPAPER PROJECT | The Second Day of Big Eating Trip (1/2) | Huge Ton-cha Rice Bowl Obtained My Cer...
#eel #Eel_Cutting_Skills #Grilled_eels 【Eel World】 Taiwan’s local culture carefully selects eels tha...
さいぼし はびきの屋台 Contents 0:00 Takawasi station 近鉄南大阪線 高鷲駅 0:23 Restaurant exterior お店外観 0:52 What is "S...
関西の極限られたエリアで食されてきた郷土食「さいぼし」。その製造過程の一部を垣間見た。 目次 0:00 オープニング 0:58 店内 2:03 さいぼし作り 7:00 切り分け作業 9:00 煮こご...
Thank You Japan!!! Last week Taiwan received a gift from Japan of over one million vaccines in order...
There is a town in Singapore that is literally disappearing. I went down before it's gone. The estat...
Rurubu is popular Japanese guide book. They lately released local curry series. Hokkaido is cheese b...
◆この玩具について◆ [コレクションNo.0519] どうも、おもしろ雑貨コレクターの伊勢海老太郎です。今回は大人気!解体パズルシリーズの紹介です。メガハウスの「一頭買い!!ジンギスカンパズル」という...
Don't eat alone, Eat with me! Watch me devour 16 dishes in 12 minutes xD. ❤Expand me❤ ❤ About Me ❤...